Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Obsession Pt.1

Whoever knows me, I mean really really knows me, would know that I'm so deeply in love with high tech gadgets, well apart from my books. I can do without golds or diamonds or fashionable clothing or even branded handbags. I don't mind not having Louis Vutton or Gucci or even Prada. No thank you to Tiffany or 916 gold or platinum diamond ring. But I can't sleep properly without at least one high tech gadgets in my possession.

Well since I'm not a millionaire, I couldn't afford to be buying all the high tech gadget most of times hence I just make do with what I can afford.

I have a Blackberry Bold II  and when Blackberry Touch II has been introduce, I just keep myself calm because that Bold is actually a gift so I told myself to shut up and be happy. Well I am happy, I got it for free, didn't I.

Then I got Vaio net book for my birthday and I was ecstatic. The Dell laptop that we've been having since year 2001 is like a dinosaur now, the RAM is so slow and the battery cannot be used anymore. We have to connect it to plug it to the power

Now, Ipad II is out. I'm going crazy over this item. I mean really really couldn't stop thinking about it. It is a cool stuff.
Why do I need one when I have Vaio?
Well, for me Vaio is more for formal, work related stuffs. If I need to do work from home, finished up my report, then Vaio would be the best choice since it has MsOffice installed in it.
Whereas for Ipad, is more for entertainment. For browsing, playing games, or reading blog.
Just wait for it, I shall own it one day.