Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Second Chance - Jane Green

I've finished another book last Saturday, Second Chance by Jane Green. I've been having this book since 2009, if I'm not mistaken. I bought it online during one of my book mania shopping spree. Since it is softcover book, it is easy for me to carry in my handbag.

The Story :
Holly, Olivia, Paul, and Saffron are mourning the death of their close friend Tom. They were all close friends when they were school mates in London, but now they are in their late thirties and are all in various stages of life and relationships. Most of them haven't seen each other in years and had mainly kept in contact with each other through Tom.

Holly is fairly wealthy, has two adorable kids, and an unhealthy relationship with her distant lawyer husband. Olivia is single after dating a man for the better part of a decade and runs an animal shelter. Paul is married to the beautiful and successful Anna, but they have been unable to have children which is making Anna miserable. Finally, Saffron is becoming a successful movie star and is moving on up, but her relationship with a very famous star who is married could bring her ruin.
Tom was always there for each one of them and because of his death, they are all reuniting once again. And maybe because of Tom, they will all get their second chance at happiness.

This is book is a bit similar to Maeve Binchy style where it is about a group of friends reconvened after a death of one of their friends. It is however, this plot is more focus on Holly as the main character though Tom's incident actually brought them back together. And the ending is a bit surprising where I thought she would be together with Will but it didn't happen because of Will's commitment phobic.