Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some Thought.

Is it just me or the day seems to be getting dull every moment?

Everyday, after sending the kids to school, I would be having my breakfast at Solaris. Toasted bread, scramble eggs and black coffee with my book.

Once I'm done with it, then off I go to work. I will be arriving around 8.15am to 8.20am.

I used to arrived at work between 7.30 am - 7.45am. Then I will be having my coffee in the office while browsing my emails. But after awhile I got bored. Totally bored with the routine and decided it will be more fun having breakfast outside. Plus the food in the office's canteen is terrible!!!!

They changed the caterer a year ago and initially the food is edible but recently after changing two cooks, the food has taken an overturn to horrible. Even a simple tea they make sometimes tasted funny.

They used to serve sandwiches, mostly tuna or egg with mayo. But now, even the bread is rarely available.
When they make scramble eggs, it tasted sweet and I wonder do they put sugar in it. And they they did!!!
Who would put sugar in their scramble egg? Or maybe this is a new style of cooking scramble egg, I wonder?.