Thursday, November 24, 2011

Food Feasta Pt1

I have been meaning to upload the pictures of all the food that I have been feasting when I was in the land of down under. Most of the food has been prepared by my brother in law who is an excellent cook as well as his wife and son. I actually did gain weight during my two week stay there.

Here are some of the pictures :

Beef brisket sizzling away for our breakfast

And top it up with cheese...Bega's the name...yummeehhh!!!

These are among of the breakfast that I managed to take pictures before I lost my mind enjoying it. There were like 9 of us hence the portion is as such.

The above breakfast is prepared solely by myself and for myself only. In that household, only my nephew and I are a hard core fan of salmon. We pratically fought over a slice of smoked salmon. How I miss them !!!

Salmon scramble for my breakfast. I did bring back one big packed of smoked salmon and oh boy!!! how I enjoyed those delicious smoked salmon for the next 6 months.

These are just the breakfast...more to come on other food as well.