Wednesday, July 10, 2019

To be or not to be

Once I was given the opportunity to be part of the ASCM team. But I avoided it. Thought that my rusty brain could not function anymore. I mean how am I suppose be studying when I need to work and look after my family. And once in awhile I need my ME TIME. Or else, I will be under a lot of stress.
So I manage to duck and finally left that company.
Now.....the opportunity (or burden) came knocking on my door again. There was some announcement from the management about this. My boss talks about the knowledge that we could get from getting the certification and encourage us to get the certificate. We were told that we could choose to join if we were interested. I was thinking about it but it was soon forgotten when time passed by.
Suddenly one day we received the letter.
I thought we were given a choice whether to join or not. But I guess, it was never a choice after all.
Oh well, probably it could open more doors of opportunity for me once I've gotten my certification.

*Notes to myself : How can I think that my rusty brain could not function when all this while I have been solving issues for other people and cleaning up sh*t that has been left behind by other people.
Hmmm..... not bad at all eh!