Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I think the last time I went to KLCC was like 3 months ago. I was quite surprise to see the new tenants that they have. Loads of new shops available and there are even new lane appearing in the mall or was it there but I didn't realize about it.

There were like a sea of people in KLCC and I feel suffocated with the crowds I'm in....especially with the smell...yucks!!!!

We had our lunch at Chillies, we were supposed to wait for about 20 mins but since the other people who are waiting do not have complete group, they gave us a table first...yeay!!!!.

Before we went back home, I got myself 1kg of macadamia popcorn and 1kg of caramel popcorn at Garrett's. And I have been munching it every evening while watching TV until my gums hurt and my jaw felt tired of all the chewing. Damn!!!! the macadamia caramel popcorn really are yummilicious......