Friday, October 11, 2013

From Muar with Love

Being a hard core coffee drinker, I would try any type of coffee that came into my attention. Be it local or imported coffee. Chawan Restaurant has an array of local coffee and I have tried most of the coffees that they served. But one local coffee that really catches my attention or my taste is the 434 coffee from Muar. It has a strong local coffee smells and tasted so nice I keep coming back for it.
Since I have moved to Cheras, I have not been able to satisfy my craving for 434 coffee anytime I want. Tried to keep some stock but all the supermarkets that I frequent to does not have any on their shelves. Lucky for me, I have an old friend who still resides in Muar thus upon request she delivered one big bottle to me and it's for free..yeay!!!!
And guess what???? they do have a website ( and I can actually order online.
Keep some for myself and I gave some to my other coffee drinker friends.
Sharing is caring, am I right?

Thank you darling for the treat