Friday, September 9, 2011

My New Gadget

I was checking out the BB playbook @Midvalley when he said "It is too small, do you want iPad II ?" I was stunned for awhile but my brain took over my body quite fast when I thought I heard someone said "Seriously?" but then I realized it was me who said it. And he said "Why not?" So here I am now writing my blog via iPad II at Coffeebean, Solaris while waiting for my kids. And the best part is the battery last longer compare to other device, probably because it does not multitask as much as other device does.

I wanted to buy the white one but it is already out of stock. Imagine that???. So now I won't be fighting with him over the tele anymore since I have new gadget to occupy my evening.

Few days after I had my own iPad...the kids and I went to have dinner at Sakae Sushi, The Curve. I think I have not been there for quite sometimes. Just imagine my surprise to see that at each table, there is a white iPad for the customer to enter their order. Now I know where all the white iPad has gone to.