Thursday, December 30, 2010


Just last couple of weeks, my sofas have been infested by bugs. And I thought by living in an apartment I will not be having this problem. I even can't remember to be having this problem when I was young. Nor when I was staying in a rented house during my university years. The frustration is beyond imagination. I tried, believe me  I did tried to fight it. But it is still there. Making a colony of their own in my sofas. Well, I might sound a bit melodramatic but that's how I am.
Until one day I was down with flu and one night I'm having difficulties in breathing. I went to see a doctor and he said this is due to allergies and he started asking me asking whether I'm allergic to anything. Never have been and hope won't be in future. Cause we will never know, with all this modern engineered food that we have been consuming nowadays, we might be having allergies that we ourselves do not know of.
Well to cut the story short, I went back home after getting jab to reduce the allergy because I couldn't breathe. Took a nap for 1/2 hour then I called up a mover and got rid of the sofas.
And by evening, it's gone!! My lovely dark brown velvety sofas are gone together with the bugs!!