Friday, March 26, 2010

10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes Everyone Should Be Aware Of

A lot of people make some very common mistakes that keeps them on a downward spiral in their weight loss journey. They eventually get frustrated and give up on weight loss all together or spend all their time and money on one weight loss gimmick after another.

Here are a list of 10 weight loss mistakes that could be holding back your weight loss success;

1. Unrealistic Goals
This is one of the main weight loss mistakes. People are more optimistic about their weight loss goals than they are about other goals. They are conservative about their financial goals but set ridiculous targets for the amount of weight they want to lose. They pick a number out of nowhere and set it as their goal. One must remember that with a proper diet and exercise regimen, typical weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is possible. Hoping for anything more than this is going to lead to frustration and disappointment.

2. No Exercise
This is another one of the very common weight loss mistakes. A lot of people look for all kinds of diets and weight loss programs that do not need any exercise. It is not common to try to starve all day than exercise for an hour. Any regime or program that does not include exercise, will not be able to give sustainable weight loss.

3. Starvation Diets
It seems logical that if we consume less food, we should lose weight. Unfortunately our bodies do not work in a logical way. Trying to cut calories drastically could cause your body to shut down fat burning. Do not cut your calorie consumption to more than 10% of your daily requirements.

4. Very Strict Diets
Do not attempt to go on very strict diets unless you are looking for temporary results. Do not waste your time with diets that you could not practice for the rest of your life. A lot of athletes and models go through extreme dieting for that one occasion where they need to be lean. They are not able to sustain that physique for a prolonged period. If you are going to go on a diet which you are going to eventually come off, don’t bother going through it unless you need momentary results such as preparing for a wedding or another occasion. Instead, choose a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a healthy diet which will help you lose weight and keep the weight off.

5. Lack of Foundational Weight Loss Knowledge
There is no excuse for being ignorant in the information age. Information is available at your finger tips via the internet. One has to educate him or herself about the basics of weight loss. One should be aware of the basics of weight loss such as starvation diets, rate of healthy weight loss, building muscles to lose fat and other useful information. When you educate yourself, you will less likely fall for weight loss gimmicks that can cause psychological stress and financial strain.

6. Looking for Quick Fix Solutions
Some people spend their entire lives going from one quick fix solution after another. They keep thinking that the next gimmick would give them the weight loss that they want. This is no different from a gambler who keeps thinking that the next roll of the dice will go his way. The only way to attain sustainable weight loss is via dedication, perseverance and hard work. If there was a quick fix for weight loss, Oprah would had found it by now. This type of weight loss mistakes stem from a lack of foundational weight loss knowledge.

7. Lack of Social Support
Social support is essential for weight loss. Ideally, you should be getting this from your immediate family. If you are not able to get support from the people who are close to you, find a friend who wants to go down the same road as you. Support each other and see each other through until the finish line.

8. Lack of Time
This is another one of the common weight loss mistakes which can be overcome easily by prioritization. Weight loss will need time and effort. Most people want weight loss but do not set activities such as exercise as a high priority. They try to do exercise if they can find the time. Obama found time for exercise during the run-up to the presidential elections. It just shows that you can get anything done once you set it as a high priority.

9. Weight Loss as a Destination and Not a Journey
Most people see weight loss as a destination. It’s a number on the scale that they want to achieve. They fail to realize that weight loss is a journey. You need to always work at sustaining a beautiful and well-defined body. Once you hit your target, set a new goal so that you are continuously in pursuit of a goal. Set goals to become fitter, stronger and leaner. As the saying goes, you cannot be rich enough or lean enough.

10. Not Losing Weight Correctly
Correct weight loss essentially means weight loss that comes from losing fat. You should maintain or build on your muscle stores. Correct weight loss is sustainable in the long run. Unfortunately or fortunately, it requires discipline, perseverance and effort. Be aware of these common weight loss mistakes so that you could avoid them.

Image courtesy of stock.xchng


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think before choosing any type of diet and exercise, one should know about one's personal biological and anatomy affects.

Btw.. are you the same person? last time I came accross this page, it was by honeylime.. guess we all have a change of hearts once a while.

Naddy said...

Nope, there has been change of administrator.And by the way, appearance does not equal to hearts. Apperance can be so deceiving. What happens in the hearts will remain status quo!!!

Anonymous said...

Really?.. if so why is it necessary to change name when there is a new administrator? Esp. when the matters of heart remains the same?

Naddy said...

Because names are irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

even when the names used to be call upon? are they not meaningful? are they not reflective of character or emotions? wouldn't you want to be call upon by something nice or perhaps sweet to your ears?

Anonymous said...

who are you anyway? get a life! stop bugging the poor girl.

Naddy said...

Let bygone be bygone...